The Truth About Tai Chi


“Tai Chi (or Tai Chi Chuan), which embodies the pagan philosophy of Taoism, is an exercise that involves the manipulation of chi. It is the choreographed movement, the discipline, and the ritual, which gives shapes to the living breath of the chi. The exercise rouses the chi as a dragon rising from hibernation and then channels, as a river bank, the latent force of that energy into specific articulations of the body. Chi adheres to the base of the spine, and it rises to the top of the head. Chi itself is defined non-mystically and its manipulation is not perceived as a religious or mystical practice, but as a ‘natural’ communion with the essence of the universe. The aim is to tune in to chi. In Chinese metaphysics, the assumption is that mind and body in combination can be opened up to it, so that the energy itself takes over, as it were. Instead of having to go through the motions, the dancers find the motions going through them. This kind of ‘energy possession’ is also encountered in yoga and in occult meditation. Chi is equivalent to kundalini energy (also known as serpent power of all names—the serpent represents satan in the Bible). The exercises alone allegedly are able to assist in the arousal of kundalini. This phenomenon is obviously demonic.”

The creator of Tai Chi is routinely credited to Chang San-Feng (ca. 1260-1368). He was purportedly a Taoist who wanted to discover to be immortal through occult means. He had a strong interest in I Ching and other occult activities were well known & eventually led him to develop Tai Chi.

(Source: Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs)

Edit to update:

I recently prayed for a woman who got heavily demonized by practicing Tai Chi. She was a Christian at the time. She had suffered 5 years from demonic attacks. Just more confirmation on how spiritually dangerous it can be.

You may also want to check out the Truth About Qi Gong:

If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can receive Him into your heart, and He can deliver you from darkness and sin and have your name written in His Book of Life.

If you are sincere, you can say this simple prayer to the Father (it doesn’t have to be word for word):

“God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. Please forgive me of all of my sins, just as I forgive others. I need You in my life; I want You in my life. I acknowledge the completed work of Your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me on the cross, I believe in my heart Jesus is Lord and was raised from the dead and I long to receive the forgiveness you have made freely available to me through this sacrifice. Come into my life now, Lord. Take up residence in my heart and be my king, my Lord, and my Savior. From this day forward, I will no longer be controlled by sin, or the desire to please myself, but I will follow You all the days of my life. Those days are in Your hands. I ask this in the Lord and GOD Jesus’ precious and holy name. Amen.”


一般来说都以张三丰(A.D. 1260-1368)为太极拳的创始者。相传他是位道士,想藉由祕术而长生不死。张三丰对于《易经》和其他着名的祕术活动极感兴趣,最终发明出了太极拳。




(the final prayer)





一般來說都以張三丰(A.D. 1260-1368)為太極拳的創始者。相傳他是位道士,想藉由祕術而長生不死。張三丰對於《易經》和其他著名的祕術活動極感興趣,最終發明出了太極拳。




(the final prayer)




7 thoughts on “The Truth About Tai Chi

  1. Chuck Davis

    I practice TaiChi. I practice Qigong. My
    Internal energy comes from God.He is my
    Source.In the Bible, angels of God are mentioned, Archangel Michael for one.
    He is a Warrior for God. His INTENT is what matters. Jesus Christ set his INTENT
    on serving God, and giving us, through his
    sacrifice, the way to God, the only way.
    The Holy Spirit also sets it INTENT on
    serving God. We as humans are given free
    will, because God really loves us.Does it please Him when we set our INTENT on becoming closer to Him, and ask Him to guide us? When I practice TaiChi, and Qigong, I always honor, and thank God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and Mother Mary, and ask for guidance in my activity, FIRST.
    Ones INTENT is what matters. My intention is to focus my internal energy on becoming a better servant to God, and to help clear away the things within me that get in the way of that.Kundalini energy is
    from God , period.What our INTENT is
    matters. God sees our heart, all of it.
    Be of joyful Spirit when making yourself
    better as a child of God. I am also a Warrior, and as such, I practice TaiChi to
    become healthier in mind , body, and
    spirit, and to defend myself and those I love if they need it. The bible tells of Warriors that fought
    for God, they practiced their martial arts and won victories in His name. I said to God when I was very young
    that I would be happy to get through this
    life without killing anyone.I meant it then
    and I mean it now. A true Spiritual Warrior, for God,
    wishes for peace first, as do I. What we are is Gods gift to us, what we become is our gift to Him. Any martial art can be a tool, or method to become closer to God.He has his Warriors that serve Him.
    INTENT is what matters. I do not train martial arts to be violent, However, I will use what I know, if need be to protect myself and my
    Family , BOTH of which are gifts from God. Thank you for your time, may God bless you deeply.


    1. Chuck, you are deceived. Stop your occult practice and pick up your Bible and study it. No where in the Bible is Tai Chi and Qi Gong promoted in the Bible. Repent and turn to the Lord and God Jesus Christ so He can make you born again.


      1. Brian Maurice Woodrow

        Interesting observation. Perhaps you could assist us further by pointing out where in the Bible Tai Chi or Chi Gong is condemned as being offensive to God?


  2. Maverick Mav II

    J.Williams can you please provide more information about the differences between Spirituality and Religion because most people who end up engaging with The Source energy and higher stuff practise spirituality


  3. Bethany

    Hi, I am a Christian, not by name only, but I live it out. I just recently started Tai Chi. But it’s interesting to me that I knew nothing about Tai Chi b4 I recently started it, yet because I love to exercise for my health, & practice balance & strength training, plus I dance & I used to do gymnastics when I was younger, I was already naturally doing certain body movements like Tai Chi movements just because I figured out movieng in those certain ways stretched my body well & strengthened me. Of course I didn’t know Tai Chi though. I guess I’m just wondering, if I’m in a Tai Chi class in a church, that we do specifically for the purposes of getting healthier & stronger (like to stretch, to strengthen, to prevent injuries in our bodies, & to learn how to defend ourselves & others), and I literally am meditating on God, or listening to praise & worship music, or listening to preaching while doing it, then how can it be bad? Mostly, how is just simply moving my body in those specific ways, in order to gain Better Health (just like when I do dance, or aerobics, or regular stretching) going to end up worshipping the devil and inviting in demons? I mean this as a sincere question, not a challenge. Because I go to a church where we believe in demonic strongholds and actually do deliverances there everyday. I’m just trying to get a better understanding of this.
    Thank you,


    1. Sheryl

      Hey Bethany. I know your post was from a year ago, but it doesn’t appear to have been answered. My experience is with yoga, which as this article points out is tied to the same Kundalini spirit. I was introduced to yoga by a Christian friend from church who invited me to a class that she was teaching. Being a Jesus loving, Bible reading believer, on staff at our church, I questioned her about the spiritual nature of yoga at the end of the very first class. She explained that she doesn’t bring any of the spiritual nature of yoga into her class. We never did any chanting or meditation, the things I would associate with the spiritual side of the practice, only the stretches, breathing, and poses. I would even quietly pray to God as we rested at the end of each class. After about four years doing weekly yoga, a friend from Singapore familiar with Eastern thought and religion, shared with me the dangers of yoga. I was torn because I loved the physical side of it – the strength, flexibility, and endurance I experienced (I also was formerly a gymnast). When I eventually stopped, my friend said we need to completely detach myself from any spiritual ties and so we went into prayer for deliverance. During this intense time of prayer my fingers involuntarily went into the classical meditation hand gesture with my index fingers touching my thumbs. Here’s what’s crazy… we NEVER did this in class. Afterward he explained that it was the spirit calling for help, not wanting to be cast out. Here is the bottom line, there is a dark spiritual element that is INEXTRICABLY tied to these practices. There is no such thing as Christian yoga or Christian Tai Chi. It does not matter where we practice it or what our desire or intent is. We are opening doors to the dark spiritual realm. I hope this is helpful. Blessings to you and your walk with Jesus.

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